Table of Contents

Web Tools

It's fun to build and share tools, not be one.

Cave Ipsum Generator "lorug ugsum"

Who Doesn't want to have their own ipsum generator. So with some experimenting, I built one with a little javascript and a few laughs with the family.

Number of paragraphs:

paragraph Length: Short = 3-5
Medium = 5-7
Long = 8-10

Sentence Length: Short = 3-5
Medium = 5-7
Long = 8-10

Cave Game

this is the canvas game that I am playing with and trying to learn some elements. It's time to see if it will be working. Thank you to Drew conley for the initial tests and code walkthrough

This is everything up to the game loop section of the tutorial, with changes in regards to working in next.js

Go to Game

Math Flash Cards

This is game of sorts. You give the parameters of what you want to study, and it gives you a set of questions to help quize you. School likes to give the kids prodigy, a fun game said to help with Math, but not so much.

Go to Flashcards