Welcome to Nognom's Caveman Developments

Nognom's Caveman developments is dedicated to information and shared learnings in the engineering space. These learnings are brought to you by Michael Mongon, an engineering leader with decades of hands on experience.

Why Nognom?

Nognom is a nickname given early in my career and any good nickname is one you need to embrace. I've embraced it as Nognom the caveman because ​​as I see it, with my rudimentary anthropology, cavemen were the group of early humans that kickstarted our pursuit of knowledge. They had to figure it out first and share that knowledge if they wanted to go further. They brought us to the campfire to share their learnings and today I do that with a website.
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April Highlight

Math Flash Cards
You can also find this in the Tools section of the site. If your kids are in school you have likely seen the games like prodigy that are said to be a math game. This is not that, it's stimply flashcards that can help learn some basic math. have fun with it. Currently it's extremely basic, but it was enjoyable to build. Go to Flashcards

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It's a small list now but check out some of the usable tools we have. Tools